Monday, February 13, 2012

Life in a flash...

So these past couple of weeks have really been a blur.. Like I am not joking, I have been working, figuring out school, trying to find out what I am going to do, and last but never the least important planning vacations!!!
I think that is the best part of summer.. and yes I am already thinking about summer, the warmth of the sun, swimming, eating BBQ, sleeping under the stars, hiking, wearing shorts, going on adventures.. and just enjoying my summer vacation. But this summer is going to bring a new adventure, My dearest friend (Paige:]) and I have been planning a trip!! We decided to reward our selves for being extremely awesome and go to HAWAII!!! I mean what is better than going on a vacation to the best place in the world with my BFFE?? I would have to say nothing.. So we are going in August and it is going to be a blast.. I found this picture to represent what we are going to look like while we are in Hawaii!! haha These are our legs, and we are having a delightful time on the beach!!! I can't wait until we go and just have an amazing time..
Well before I can go to Hawaii, I have to get through these next couple of months, and lets just say that slowly 2012 is starting to treat me nicely.. I have been working out and getting into shape because I am determined to have a healthy body this year.. and to look amazing when I go to Hawaii.. So everything is going Hunky Dory, I decided that the best way to keep me motivated is to sign up to run a half marathon in May.. So everyday (except Sunday) I am training to run this half-marathon.. I know it might sound a little crazy running 13.1 miles and calling it fun, but it has been on my bucket list for a long time and so it is something that I am going to get done this year, and I could not be more excited... So far I am in love with running and the endorphins that I get afterwards and how I feel the next morning..
Well today is Monday and it has been pretty slow.. I did some Zumba this morning and had a blast with that I mean who wouldn't right.. But every time I do Zumba I feel like I am the hottest living thing on the face of planet earth (and I am not talking about body temperature) but then I realize that I probably look like a total dork just jumping around with 0 coordination and I have no idea how to really dance so I just have fun.. haha
Yep this picture describes it perfectly!! ;]
Yesterday in Church we were talking about trusting in Christ and not the arm of flesh, and why it is so important to trust Christ more than anyone else. I have been thinking a lot about that and why it is that way. I know that when we trust Christ we are really showing that we love him with everything we are and everything we have.. In institute we were learning about Job and how much faith and trust he had in the Lord, and why it was so important for him to understand that even when we go through hard times its not because the Lord hates us and wants us to suffer its because he is helping us grow to become the person he knows we can be. Christ suffered on the Cross and in Gethsemane for us so that we have the opportunity to repent and become clean from our sins, He gave us the chance to fix our wrong doings. Think of it like a teacher, we all love, the one who grades a paper and puts the corrections on it then lets us change it and get a better grade. That is essentially what Christ does, we do something and receive the consequence , good or bad, and then get to change our actions according to what we did.. I am so very grateful for the gospel and the blessings it brings into my life. I know that sometimes its hard to keep swimming or keep going but it always reminds me of the movie the other side of heaven.. When they are rowing to the other island to meet with some investigators, they had prayed for wind and had fasted for wind but they had no wind to propel their little boat. So they took turns praying out loud to the Lord for wind so that they could go and visit these people. Finally the Branch President started to row, and when Elder. Groberg asked him what he was doing he said " Today I am the Wind.." We all have times like that in our lives, when we become the wind when we become the power that has to keep everything going, but trust me it is always worth it in the long run!!
Just Remember this