Saturday, January 14, 2012

Welcome 2012

Let me just start off by saying that 2012 is LAME... I mean so far this year is proving to be by far the lamest and I just literally feel like I rolled out of bed.. Maybe its due to the fact that I am aging and probably not in the most graceful of ways but I am aging. Or perhaps it is due to the fact that everyone around me seems to be dealing with problems and feels the need to tell the world through sources [facebook, twitter, e-mails] that they hate their lives.. NEWS FLASH!! We are all having problems in our lives and when you blast your troubles and woes all over the Internet I don't feel pity for you [mean I know] I just think to my self "WOW their life totally BLOWS, I hope my life does not take a turn for that road" So my long and ever drawn out point would be to t the masses just keep it to your self and your close friends. If you need help solicit it in the right way don't go looking for 40 likes on your status that maybe just told too much or looking for 100 comments on something you maybe regret posting, just text or heck maybe even call a friend or family member and say "Hey dude, look I am having a tough time, I was wondering if you could help me out" they in turn will most likely say yes, and BAM problem solved..

Probably a few of you are wondering why the late post well it all started with trying to find that nifty new count down you see on the side!!! That literally {no joke} took me 2 hours to find on the Internet.. and hence the reason that this post is coming to you at 1:00 A.M. and also partly due to the fact that I can't sleep at all and I am stressed about tomorrow and teaching Sunday School at Church.

This Past week has been probably the most challenging week since I have come home from Honduras. A series of events took place over this last week, that have in fact taught me that I am stronger than I thought I was. I am able to make rational decisions when needed, and that I am in fact doing the right thing. I know that sometimes it is hard to do the right thing, heck who am I joking it is ALWAYS hard to do the right thing, but it makes life so much easier. I am not saying that Satan will not try and push you out of a situation where you know with all your heart you need to stay, or that he is not going to put thoughts in your head that you are never going to help the receive the blessings that are waiting for them. But I guess what I am trying to say is that there always comes a moment when you can feel the spirit whispering to you that this is exactly what you are supposed to be doing in your life at this exact moment. We need to live for those moments , to search them out everyday, to live for that special time when we can feel the confirmation to our soul that everything will work out.

I know that sometimes my blogs go on and on about totally different subjects but I swear that I am getting better at posting just about one subject at a time.

So this is what I am going to say to 2012... THIS IS MY YEAR!!! AND NO ONE WILL RUIN IT !!! thats right everyone 2012 is my year, year of the new me, new body, and new attitude!!! This is the year I am going to have the most fun, the year I am going to remember{because I am going to jounal more often} the year I am going to spend less time indoors and more time outside with my family, the year I am going to chase dreams, and more importantly the year I am going to dedicate to finding out what I truly want to do with MY life, this is it.. I am not going to listen to what friends and family have to say about what I should study in college, or what job I should be working at, I am going to do what I love and what do I love.. Heck I don't know I have a lot of loves in this life I just need to focus and really do this for me. This is the year I will get into the best shape of my life, not for some stupid boy, not for all the people that have called me rude names, not for friends or family ,but for me!! I am going to be the best ME I can possible be this year.. and you can too.. Its not to late to start, its only the 15 day of January and we have 6 months until summer so if anything is possible it is that by summer you can be totally 100 percent happy with the person you are or who you have become!!!


Tuesday, January 3, 2012

New Year...New You...

I have been debating in the last 4 hours if I was really going to do this and post a blog after my birthday... and so here goes nothing..

Yesterday was the day to celebrate my birth.. and like the last 22 times I have celebrated my birth it was nothing out of the usual. I went to work and worked all day.. I came home and did nothing and went to sleep.. Yeah that sums up my amazing celebratory birthday experience and makes it come down to just a normal day in my book.. I highly feel sometimes that birthdays are over rated. I mean really who truly remembers its your birthday?? I bet like 3 people of the 200 or 389 friends you have on facebook really truly remember that its your birthday and the others just write happy birthday on your wall because the little reminders on the side say to do so.. I mean I am totally guilty of doing the same thing.. I will openly heartily admit that most of the time I can't even remember my closest friends birthdays and just hope they don't get too mad...

Then this past weekend an amazing group of friends and I went to Boise to celebratehe New year.. and we were going to have the time of our lives.. and most like everything that has been happening we got disappointed and just decided that the whole activity was just stinky... but we still decided to make the most of it and just go with the flow and really ring in the new year like true Mormon single adults do and start dancing(with no vulgar movements) [which goes to say we basically just jumped up and down and went crazy for the last 15 minutes of 2011] but we did end up having a blast and really just letting go..

I guess what I am trying to get at is that 2012 is going to be a GREAT year... this is now the time of the year to make resolutions and make goals to be completed by the end of this year.. I love to make monthly goals... it goes a little something like this... 1 big goal for the month... and then 4 little goals that I can complete one every week.. it makes things so much easier... so here is an example
BIG GOAL: Lose 10 Pounds...
Little Goal #1: Be more grateful
Little Goal #2: Finish my Visiting Teaching before the end of the month
Little Goal #3: Fully enjoy each day I have
Little Goal#4: Write in my journal/ blog at least 4 times a week...

See how easy that was... It makes things seem a lot easier to handle and you can also complete so many more things during the year and it makes life so amazing when you can check something off your resolutions that you are actually going to finish...

I also have a new outlook on life this coming year.. I was reading my horoscope...[I know kind of cheesy but I think they are interesting] and it told me to take everything I am doing in my life and just have the most fun I have ever had.. and so that is exactly what I am going to do.. I am going to make everything so much fun this year that when 2013 comes [and it will because I am not ready to die] I will look back on 2012 and just want a relaxing year for 2013..

Just one last rant before I close up shop today and get my little booty moving... Jesus Christ, if you don't know why he should be so important in your life you need to refocus a lot of things. He is the only reason we are here today.. I know that I don't usually go all preachy on my blog, but I feel like this is long over due. Jesus Christ is the only reason we have everything in our lives, the reason we receive our breath everyday and the reason we can change and become different people. When we feel like we don't have anyone in our lives who cares we are wrong, when we feel like God and Christ are pulling away from us we are wrong. When we DECIDE that we are through living the way we are living and not receiving anything in return, they are there waiting for us to change and accept the blessings and the commandments they have to help make our lives better... They want us to become better people and truly want us to be happy..
I have come to know some amazing people in these last month that have truly changed my life for the better, I love them and care for them so much that it hurts me when they are not able to be truly happy, they just like you and I are facing challenges in their everyday lives, but something that makes them different maybe than the normal person is that they are trying to change and for that I commend them. They want to make their lives absolutely amazing and take everything minute by minute and day by day. If they can change so can we..

I hope everyone is going to have an amazing 2012 and please just know that this not going to be the last you hear from me...